Historically Black Colleges & Universities

Chancellor's Office Memo
(eligibility information and confidential access code for students)
General Information and Links to all HBCUs

(scroll down for links to locate schools by state, alphabetically, or by accreditation)
Counselor Instructions to Help Students Apply to HBCUs
$5K HBCU Transfer Grant Information and Application
Popular Majors at HBCU Partners
Contact Information for HBCU Schools

** = Institution has agreements on ASSIST 
Lincoln University
Alliant University
(formerly U. S. International)
Loma Linda University
**Menlo College
Mills College
National Hispanic University
**Notre Dame de Namur University
Pacific Oaks College
Colorado State University - Global Campus
**Samuel Merritt University
San Francisco Bay University
The Fashion Institute of
Design & Merchandising (FIDM)
Southern New Hampshire University
Sofia University
Grand Canyon University Stanford University
Heald Colleges University of Hawai'i at Hilo
Holy Names University **University of Massachusetts Global
Iron Range Engineering **University of the Pacific
ITT Technical Institute University of Phoenix
Jones International University University of San Diego
John F. Kennedy University University of San Francisco
Kaiser School of Allied Health Sciences
(Radiography Program)
University of Southern California
Western Governor's University

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